1:1 Offerings Mailing List

This is a mailing list dedicated only to my one-on-one offerings. You can book my offerings here.

Corn Oracle Readings 
This is an offering for personalized intuitive guidance to any questions, problems, or blockages you might have. Corn is the "medium" that we work with to connect and get messages from source/spirit/Creatrixxx/universe

Breathwork Sessions
Breathwork is a full body practice that involves controlled breathing patterns. This practice can allow us to experience alternate state of consciousness and to embody the people we want to be for ourselves and community.

Llamados del Alma
A llamado del alma translates to English as "calling back the soul". This is a practice present in many parts of the world, I am Peruvian and I grew up with this. One needs a llamado del alma when a susto happens. A susto translates to "fright", when we experience a "fright" pieces of our soul leave the body to help us protect/process/forget what is happening to us. Most of the time we are walking around with pieces of our soul scattered through space and time. A llamado del alma calls back those pieces.

Have a question/inquiry? 15mns check in
Hi! This is a 15-minute zoom call for you to ask about anything. Want to chat about 1:1 services I offer? Want to ask a quick question about building a small business? Want to ask about anything an everything you think I have some knowledge on? This is the way to do it!

Through this mailing list, you will get info on special pricing and when books open up.
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